Let Compression of an integer a be the sum of all digits of a and yields another positive integer. It is obvious that if we compress a number for certain finite steps, we will reach a one digit number. You are given a positive integer a and you are asked to output a one digit number which is created by compression of a.
For instance, if you are given a number 86, after one step of compression, we will reach number 8+6=14 , and after another step of compression, we reach 1+4=5. So, you should write 5 to the output.Input
The number of test cases comes in the first line. For each test case you are given a positive integer a<=2^31-1
For each test case, write one digit number that you will reach after some steps of compression.
Sample Input
Sample Output
#includeint main() { long long k,m,n; scanf("%lld",&k); while(k--) { scanf("%lld",&m); while(m/10!=0) { n=m%10; m/=10; m+=n; } printf("%lld\n",m); } return 0; }